A Ukrainian girl sitting looking at the camera

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Donate now to support children and families devastated by this ongoing conflict

Help protect the future of Ukraine’s children

For nearly three years the unrelenting war in Ukraine has brought unimaginable suffering and pain to tens of millions of Ukrainians, including the country’s 7.5 million children.

In addition to the immediate threat of violence millions of Ukrainian children face huge issues of mental health, child protection and education.

Help us to act fast to protect children. 


Help children affected by the crisis in Ukraine

Help us act fast to protect children whose lives have been turned upside down.

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How your donation helps

Your generosity means that children can continue to get an education, emotional support, and the chance to have fun together.

That’s why we’re asking for your support to continue saving lives and protecting children. We’re still working with our partners in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries, responding to the urgent needs of children and families who have been forced to flee their homes and are still unable to return.

Because of you, we've been able to help over 2 million people since the conflict began (56% of these are children). This includes:

  • over 607,000 people have received food support
  • over 270,000 children being able to continue their education, helping them to find normality in the trials of conflict.
  • over 200,000 people have received psychological support

Your donation today will help us address the longer-term needs of children and their families as the war drags on. Whatever you can give will help provide the assistance that children and families still need, as together we help them to rebuild their shattered lives. 

You can still make a life changing difference.

How we work in emergencies

When emergencies hit, children are often the most at risk. That’s why we need to be there – in places torn apart by disasters and conflict.

Why World Vision

Together we’ve impacted the lives of over 200 million​ vulnerable children by tackling the root causes of poverty.​

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